How to scene With Headaches During Pregnancy

   The best idea for dealing with headaches during pregnancy, is to avoid the “known” triggers, or those that are most likely responsible. The food preservative MSG, cheeses, spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate, and other elements of our normal diet, are best eliminated while expecting a baby.

A healthy, balanced diet, eaten in several small meals a day if necessary, with plenty of fluids, and lots of rest, is your first line of defense against headaches. Being tired, dehydrated, and unable to eat “normally”, can all work together to start your head pounding.
Oddly enough, women who experience migraine headaches, may have fewer during a pregnancy, while a small percentage of sufferers will have more. These patients should discuss relief for the migraines with their doctor, as soon as a pregnancy is confirmed, if not beforehand while they are planning to start a family.

When you do get a headache, try and identify the cause and deal with it accordingly. If the headache is from your sinuses, a warm compress around your nose and above your eyebrows may relieve some of the pressure. Stress or tension headaches can benefit from cold compresses to the back of the neck. Using these while lying down in a darkened room, will help to alleviate some of the tension that builds up from the pain, and makes the headache worse. Depending on your preferences, some women may also benefit from using aroma therapy and sound therapy techniques at the same time.


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